Once completing the necessary high school courses, students should enroll in a college or university to work toward a bachelor's degree. A bachelor's degree may be earned by completing a four or five-year accredited college or university. Also, a bachelor's degree may be earned by participating in a five to ten-year CO-OP program, which is the act of attending class for part of the year and working in an engineering-related job for the rest of the year. Thirty percent of all engineers continue their education, and work to earn a masters degree. For any engineer to be able to work with any project involving property, health, or life, they must become licensed. The engineering license, Professional Engineer (P. E.), can be obtained by taking a class and passing the license exam at the end of the course. Once Civil Engineers get their license, they are free to take their years of education and training and put them into good use. Usually when Civil Engineers are in college or training, they have chosen a field of Civil Engineering in which they would want to be occupied. Civil Engineering can be broken into many different fields. Civil Engineers may be employed by the Department of Transportation designing new streets or bridges. Construction is another popular field within Civil Engineering. Designing drainage systems, sewer systems, pipelines, canals, and occasionally hydroelectric power facilities may also be a field of study for Civil Engineers. Environmental Civil Engineers are responsible for designing and testing methods for removing pollution from the air, water, and even soil. Community development Civil Engineering involves the planning and constructing of city streets, sewers, and drainage systems for developing cities, towns, and communities. Civil Engineering has many fields; as a result new engineers can be evolved in jobs that are satisfying. After Civil Engineers have chosen and began working in their chosen field, a forty hour week is very common.