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Every couple has their own ways of resolving their.
             problems throughout their marriage. Constant conflict can destroy a marriage. Learning.
             how to deal with the conflict to achieve a win/win situation for both partners is very.
             important. When couples disagree, the 30 people that I surveyed said that the woman.
             gives in 65% of the time. A reason for this could be that women were taught to be passive.
             and let things go a lot easier than men. They do not want provoke their partner and then.
             start another argument. They think it is easiest to just give in even if they know they are.
             right. Sometimes the only reason the women gives in is that she is just too tired from.
             working, taking care of the children and the house and feels it would be easier to give in.
             and let it go. This is only a short-term solution. Men on the other hand have to keep their.
             stand and be the king. They cannot give in; it would ruin their status. They have to prove.
             they can not be stood up to. When a married couple are in an argument, 78% say they talk.
             it out after calming down. It usually does not solve anything when couples fight because.
             each person does not listen to the other person's perspective. They are yelling at each.
             other so they each think they are right and become stubborn. By talking it out, you can.
             hear both sides of the story and come up with a compromise. Couples fight for many.
             different reasons, but from my surveys I found the main reason for fighting was children.
             60% say they argue about their children. 46% say they argue about chores. 43% say they.
             argue about money. And lastly, 23% say they argue about work. These problems may.
             interconnect with each other. For example, most people are very stressed at work,.
             especially during these times when most companies are decreasing their staff and those.
             that remain are taking on additional responsibilities. After a hard day at work they come.
             home and half to start all over by picking the kid up if required, getting supper ready,.

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