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Cellphones In Third World Nations

The interesting thing is that Cable & Wireless is claiming the opposite.
             Since we are talking about Digicel let's talk about their marketing techniques. For starters there call rates have fallen dramatically since they first started. It used to cost over five dollars to make an international call, now on weekends its ninety-five cents. They also felt keeping their market share a secret was another good strategy. Another technique was introducing the GSM (general system of mobile communications), which is the technology of choice in St. Lucia. Also at the moment they offer free Internet and World Wide Web access. These are some significant marketing techniques.
             Next we have AT&T, unfortunately desperate times call for desperate measures. This is how they have been feeling the past few years. They needed some strong incentives in order to ensure customer loyalty and stem churn. So they implicated 30 free minutes of long distance a month. After purchasing your phone, when you go to call setup the customer will be informed of the free 30 minute incentive. This was originally a trial but after great success they decided to expand this into a permanent incentive. Some people look at this as a desperate attempt to gain the customers they should have had five years ago, but some industry analysts say it's not to little to late but rather another attempt to unlock value through marketing.
             Then there is Cable & Wireless; this company basically set the tone for the ones to come. There Marketing strategies were simple. For example there was the "Why am I Smiling" testimonial series and they also issued the first ten dollar pre-paid mobile card. They set out to set the standards early and have done so. .
             Finally, when you sit back and look at what I have just told you in the last few pages you can begin to realize just how competitive marketing products really is. Each business had their own techniques some were more level headed then others but they weren't always the best way to go.

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