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             suffers or is more likely to become violent or a criminal (Tarshis). The statistic shows .
             that some mothers who decide to keep and raise their children do so for a couple of years .
             and then, confronted by the problems of parenthood, are forced to give the child up after .
             all ("Pregnant Teens: Why so many unmarried mothers?"). The Conservative Christians .
             are opposite on the abortion even though there is no particular passage in the Bible that .
             encourages or discourages the abortion. The problem again is connected whit the .
             question is it murder to terminate the life of the embryo. What is the biblical view of a .
             person? Genesis 2:7 declares: "Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the, ground .
             and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man become a living soul" The .
             phrase "become a living soul designated the person as animated flash. As the person is .
             breathed into, so the person breathes (Simmons). In Genesis 3:22 God says " Behold, .
             mankind is become as one of us to know good and evil -. To be a person is to be a .
             choice maker (Simmons). The biblical portrait of person, therefor e is that of a complex .
             creature with abilities and moral responsibility. The fetus does not have does .
             characteristics. Although the first works of the Christian Church hardly mentioned .
             abortion, the Church had declared abortion a sin by the end of first century C. E. (Landes, .
             Siegel and Foster, ed.). It is important to mansion that the change in the doctrine does not .
             have its origins in the Bible. The change is made by people even though they are .
             connected whit the church. Recent popes are the ones making new canons. Pope Pius XII, .
             deeply concerned about abortion, wrote in his Allocution to Midwives (1951): Every .
             human being, even the child in the mother's womb, receives its right to life directly from .
             God, not from its parents, nor from any human society or authority, no science, no .
             "indication" whether medical, eugenic, social, economic, or moral that can show or give a .

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