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Capitol Punishment

Although the prisoner can work to reduce that cost(60). Even though life imprisonment without parole is high, the cost of the death penalty is far higher. In California, our most populous state, it is estimated that taxpayers could have saved $90 million annually by abolishing the death penalty(61). Between 1977 and 1996, California spent more than $1 billion on its death penalty but managed to execute only five men, and one of them asked to be killed(61).
             It is possible to imagine a hypothetical case where an execution might cost less than imprisonment. For example, according to Mark Costanzo, if a healthy twenty-year-old was sentenced to prison and died of natural causes sixty years later, it might be more expensive than if he had been sentenced to death and refused to appeal his sentence. Such hypothetical cases miss the point: Cost estimates must include the cost of financing our system of capital punishment. It is not the cost of a particular case that is relevant, it is the full cost of sustaining an elaborate death-penalty system that consumes substantial time and resources and hangs like a weight on our criminal courts.
             Courts can be racist. Meaning people are not getting the justice they think they"re getting. Which could cause an innocent person to lose his or her life and you can not give someone back their life. In the past, many people have been wrongfully executed for crimes the did not commit, all by the name of justice(Planet Papers). Back when blacks were considered property, the capital punishment was based on race. Now, it's based on how much money people have. Rich people can buy there way out, weather they are guilty or not. Here is an example, "In 1995, Orenthal James Simpson went on trail for the savage murder of his former wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman. Mr. Simpson was handsome and charming, a record-setting football hero, a persuasive pitchman for several products, and a sometime movie actor.

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