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Thomas Jefferson Outline

             Sent as representative of the United States in France, replacing Ben Franklin as US Ambassador. on July 5, 1784 he sailed to France. Later returned to the United States in 1789.
             Became secretary of state for George Washington. In 1793 he stepped down due to the constant stress Hamilton caused.
             B. New ideas + criticism and political reforms brought by Jefferson.
             Jefferson criticized the central government under the Articles of Confederation.
             Proposed the adoption of the basic unit of the "dollar" divided in tenths and hundredths.
             March 22, 1784 he submitted a plan for government of western territories, his plan was incorporated in the Land Ordinance and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.
             Constitution was drafted when he was in France, however he fallow it . He disagreed with reps who said country was at a brink of Anarchy., and that the A of C were bad.
             Believed the president mentioned was a cheap imitation of the "Polish king".
             Advocated the addition of a bill of rights to the constitution. Helped James Madison with declaration of rights, which in time (June 1789) became the Bill of rights and was added to the constitution. (Jeffersonian and Hamiltonians).
             November 1798 Jefferson drafted a set of resolutions introduced in the Kentucky legislature.
             C. Political Parties + their humble beginnings.
             Disagreed with the Central Government Hamilton was creating.
             Hamilton's views on economic issues mainly the idea of industrialization., along with foreign policy, alien and sedition acts.
             Jefferson called Hamilton a monarchist. .
             Hamilton had great influence and many allies, Jefferson didn't. little by little Jefferson gained allies and by the end of 1791 he had a newspaper dedicated to patronizing Hamilton and his followers.
             By 1792 it was clear that Federalist followed Hamilton and republicans Jefferson.
             IV. Jefferson and his presidential actions and legacies.
             A. the election of 1800.
             Jefferson ran for president.
             The federalist attacked Jefferson from every possible way, accused him of radicalism, and even a bringer of "murder, robbery, rape, adultery, and incest.

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