First off, people say that marijuana is an addictive drug. They claim that because of this, lives are ruined. They also believe that marijuana leads to other, more harmful drug usage such as cocaine and heroin. Also, people say that marijuana is a big crime contributor. These people say that marijuana is not a harmless drug and it can do some major damage.
The health effects of marijuana are by far the most controversial aspect of this debate. After all, why would the United States legalize something that was harmful to our selves and children? Most who wish marijuana was legal wont dispute that marijuana does have some harmful effects. However, even health sites like admits that "by contrast, alcohol and tobacco are far worse for your health without exception" (Goldburg, 1).
One reason marijuana is not as harmful as some legal drugs is because marijuana is a drug which is impossible to overdose on. There has never been one recorded case of an overdose caused strictly by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chemical which gives you the "high" or euphoric feeling. "There are over 420,000 deaths each year caused by cigarettes alone. Another 5% of all deaths in the United States are caused by alcohol. Both of which are legal drugs to people of age" (Goldburg 2).
Marijuana is also, for the most part, a non-addictive drug. On the list of "Americas Most Addicting Drugs" marijuana does not even appear (Drug 1). Marijuana does not contain any addicting chemicals. Therefore, the only form of addiction ever recorded is a mental addiction. Some people become addicted to avoid the feelings of depression. However, this only occurs in a small portion of users.
Many people also believe that marijuana is a gateway drug. People say that marijuana leads to other harder, more harmful drugs. However, in the Netherlands, where most drugs are legal, the use of cocaine is much lower than in the United States. As shown in the table 4, "in 1999 12.