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The Things We Choose Not To See

Would it not be easier to just work together to develop a better life for themselves? To answer this question, imagine yourself in a situation where you just lost your job. The number of available jobs in your field is very scarce and finding a job is essential to you being able to support yourself. You show up to a job interview with a company just opening up in center city Philadelphia and find that there are 100 applicants there to fill the same position that you are going for. Imagine your sense of competitiveness for that position and your willingness to do whatever it takes to get that job, because if not, you may not be able to buy food the next week or pay your rent. Now imagine yourself as an 18-year-old kid living in a small dilapidated home with 10 other members of your family. You just split a dinner for four among 10 people and the baby is crying because he has no formula to drink. It just costs too much money. You"re contemplating dropping out of school because everyone just tells you that it is not possible to rise out of the mess in which you live. This is your life and you"re stuck with it so school is just a waste of time. You leave the house for a while to clear your head and know that if you walk 2 blocks to the right you will meet up with the drug dealers sitting out in front of the crack house around the corner. If you walk 2 blocks to the right you"ll meet up with the gang that hangs out in the basketball court across the street. You walk to the right. As you pass the drug house you see the Lexus parked out front and the men with countless gold chains sitting on the steps. "God, what I could do with that money!", you think to yourself. You answer their calls and walk up the steps. Pretty soon they've convinced you that this is a way out of your life, and a way to help support your family. It sounds pretty good to you and you agree to make some runs.

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