is limited.
Agriculture in Iraq consists of wheat, barley, rice, figs and other fruits such as.
apples, olives, grapes, pears, oranges and pomegranates. Iraq is also the world's leading.
date exporter. Their livestock includes sheep, cattle, goats and poultry. They are also.
known for breeding of the Arabian horse. The agriculture portion of Iraq's Gross.
Domestic Product makes up about six percent of the entire GDP. Service makes up about.
eighty-one percent and industry makes up about thirteen percent.
Iraq's economy is dominated by oil production. Oil has provided approximately.
ninety-five percent of the foreign exchange earnings. During the 1980s, because of.
problems caused by a war with Iran, Iraq suffered economic damages of at least one.
hundred billion dollars. The oil exports gradually increased at the end of the war in 1988. .
In August 1990, Iraq seized Kuwait, a major oil producer, and caused damage from.
military action, which drastically reduced economic activity. In December 1996, the UN.
(United Nations) implemented a program called "oil-for-food", which helped get the oil.
industry back on its feet. For the first six six-month phases of the program, Iraq was.
allowed to export limited amounts of oil in exchange for food, medicine, and other goods.
and services. In December 1999, the UN Security Council allowed Iraq to export under.
the "oil-for-food" program as much oil as was needed at the time. Oil exports are now.
about three-quarters their prewar level. Per capita food imports have increased.
significantly, while medical supplies and health care services are steadily improving. Per.
capita output and living standards are still well below the prewar level, but any estimates.
have a wide range of error. The GDP purchasing power parity is approximately 59.9.
billion dollars. The GDP real growth rate is thirteen percent, and the GDP per capita.
purchasing power parity is twenty-seven hundred dollars.