I remember how hectic it was for me my freshman year in high school just to get lunch. Once that fifth period bell rang it was every man for themselves. Like soldiers in the battlefield all the freshman ran towards the cafeteria. Pulling each other back no one cared who was knocked over, or who was left behind, or even if they forgot a book in class because everyone's objective was to be the first in line. However, no matter how fast one was or what had been done in order to get out of class early there always that one person that had thought of something better and was first in that line. .
Waiting in line was not much better for it always seemed endless. The lunch line was never a straight line for people would always cluster together like bees getting their honey. Every time it seemed like these people had not eaten for many days and the smell of the food would only make things worse for it made these kids act like dogs impatient the bacon that was about to be received. The back of the line was never calm, but as one got closer to the front of the line all was quiet. Every conversation ended once people grabbed a tray that was still warm because it had just been taken out from the dish washer. Then the moment came when the coveted food was in the tray and one was all set and ready to grab one's new best friend ,a chair, and start eating. .
Little did anyone know that by the time one could start eating there were no more than ten minutes left of lunch time. It was at this time when all the students would look at the motionless, long line and see the sad face of the person that was still in line waiting for their precious food. One could see in this person's eyes that it was going to be another day when the food was not chewed but simple swallowed because of the short amount of time left . The people that had received lunch and only had a couple of valuable minutes left did not care how cold the food was or how fresh it was.