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The Role Of Greed In The Crucible

When a man can forget his daughters sickness to argue his salary or use the pulpit to preach for golden candle sticks there is an evident problem with greed for money in that person.
             Thomas Putnam was the richest man in the village and probably the greediest. He valued his land and money probably more than anything else, even another persons life. During the witch trials he told his daughter to accuse George Jacobs of witchery so he could get his land after he was hung, because he was the only one with enough money to buy it(Miller 96). He and his ancestors also had a reputation of taking whatever land that they wanted if they could. This behavior caused many disputes between him and the other people of the village. Thomas Putnam's greed for money ruined the lives of many other people.
             Thomas Putnam and Rev Parris's greed for money caused a lot of problems between them and the people of the village. John Proctor said "I see no light of God in that man"(Miller 65) when he was speaking of Rev Parris to Rev Hale. Proctor and other people in the village saw Parris's greed and had a problem with such a man being their spiritual leader. .
             Giles Cory was constantly in dispute with Thomas Putnam over land and money matters. Cory was sick of Putnam taking whatever land he wanted as were most of the hard working landowners including Proctor. .
             Greed for Power.
             Judge Danforth was greedy for power. He was a very powerful man and he would do anything to keep that power even if it meant sentencing innocent people to death. .
             At the beginning of the trials at Salem Judge Danforth's intentions were good. He wanted to rid the village of witchcraft and restore God in the village. He believed the evidence presented to him, and innocently sentenced people to death. He seemed to believe wholeheartedly in what he was doing. However when contrary evidence was presented to him, even though it was very compelling he brushed it aside.

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