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The Power Sword Vs. The Sword Of Protection

            I think we all remember the eighties it was a time of big hair, rock bands, and cheesy cartoons. Some of these cartoons were Ninja Turtles, Rainbow Bright, and GI Joe, but one of the biggest cartoon trends was He-man and She-ra. Personally, I think that She-ra was far superior to He-man for three reasons. She-ra had more sinister villains, she had more powers, and a much better story line that He-man. .
             She-ra's main villain was Hordak one of the most evil villains I have seen in any cartoon. Hordak was callous and cared for no one but himself. One example of this is when Queen Angella, a woman with the power of a goddess in the land of Etheria, had tried to take the side of the rebellion, he imprisoned her and took all of her power away. To degrade Angella further he would toy with her daughter, Glimmer, by showing her where her mother was, but letting Glimmer know that getting her mother was quite impossible. Poor Angella had to watch her daughter slip into a deep depression, I can think of no worce fate that having to watch your own children be lost and hopeless. The villains of He-man however were anything but impressive. There was Skellator, the main villain, I must admit that Skellator was a bad ass, but one thing had changed my mind. In the He-man/She-ra Christmas special Skellator hugged a puppy!!! I do not care what time of year it is if you are evil YOU DO NOT HUG A PUPPY! Hordak never would have hugged a puppy of and furry woodland critter for that matter!.
             I think this shows that the character base for Skellator was more than flimsy.
             Even with out the powers of Castle Grayskull Adora (She-ra's real name) was a extraordinary human being. She had the power to fight very well. She had a quick with and keen intellect that no one could contend with; however, where she became She-ra her powers increased even more. When she became She-ra, by using the Sword of Protection, she gained the power of becoming the most powerful woman in the universe and it seemed to amplify her intelligence.

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