Also permitted is the delay of notice for execution of a search warrant if instant notice would be detrimental to the investigation. Basically, if authorities believe that serving the search warrant at the time of the search would hinder the investigation, they may wait until a later period to notify the victim. .
Another portion of the USA Patriot Act is intended to monitor and reduced foreign individuals within the country. The Attorney General is authorized to add unlimited personnel to the U.S borders to ensure the security needs of the country. Also, the Act broadens the scope of ineligible and deportable aliens for terrorist activities. The law defines terrorist activities as, "a designated foreign or other terrorist organization; or a group of two or more individuals which engage in specified terrorist-related activities" (107 P.L. 56). Any alien certified by the Attorney General as suspected terrorist is subject to mandatory detention until removed from the country. If after seven days an alien has not been deported or charged with a crime, he must be released. However, if deportation is not possible in the foreseeable future the government may hold the individual for up to six months providing that releasing him would threaten national security. The provision above states that an alien can be detained past the usual 48 hours if he is a suspected terrorist. .
The USA Patriot Act also requires financial institutions to monitor all transactions and report any that may look suspicious. In order to prevent money laundering, civil and criminal penalties have been increased, any coin or currency over $10,000 not obtained in a financial trade or business must be reported, and provides civil immunity for any institution reporting unusual or suspicious financial activities. Financial institutions are required to disclose any requested personal account information of suspected accounts.