This includes the number of cigarettes a person smokes each day, the age at which smoking began, the number of years a person has smoked, and ETS exposure (American Lung Association n. pag.) . .
More recently, the California Environmental Protection Agency issued a comprehensive report on the health effects of ETS and concluded that ETS is directly related to coronary heart disease. Secondhand smoke has been estimated to cause about 35,000 deaths per year from heart disease in nonsmokers. It has also been proved that children exposed to second hand smoke suffer from more ear infections. Also, there is growing concern over toxins released into the atmosphere. Research has shown that the chemicals released when a cigarette is lit remain in the air long after it has been extinguished. There have been many deaths caused by other sources than lung complications that are directly related to second hand smoke (Action on Smoking and Health n. pag.). .
Cigarettes cause cancer and other serious diseases; the sale and use of tobacco products raise many concerns. Regulation can address those concerns, and it offers a long-term solution that benefits everyone. According to Philip Morris International, "If the government allowed for a ban on smoking in public, it would cut the amount of deaths from lung cancer in the US by approximately thirty percent" (Philip Morris International, n. pag.) In fact, the mortality rate of human beings that do not smoke is three thousand deaths per year from lung cancer in non smokers that were exposed to second hand smoke. Second hand smoke also causes serious lung problems in children. According to the American Lung Association, children exposed to second hand smoke are more likely to develop and experience three times as many asthma attacks as children of non smokers. There are an estimated 150,000 to 300,000 cases every year of infections, such as bronchitis and pneumonia in infants and children under two years old who breathe secondhand smoke, resulting in between 7,500 and 15,000 hospitalizations (Haustein, n.