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The Rainmaker

Birdie's case and the Black case. He made an informal agreement with Rudy for a job but later broke that agreement. Rudy was mad at Barry because he wasn't going to get paid and he had just signed his cases over to Barry. .
             Rudy was having a hard time paying bills and was evicted from his apartment and he filed for bankruptcy. In a stroke of luck he visited Mrs. Birdie and she offered him the apartment above the garage in her back yard. Of course he accepted and they agreed on a low monthly payment as long as he helped her with the yard work. Rudy quickly moved in and Mrs. Birdie worked him hard in the yard.
             At Yogi's, Rudy talked to Prince about his problems and Prince got him a job at Bruiser's firm. Bruiser owned a sleazy firm in which the lawyers solicited clients in hospitals and Bruiser took one third of everything they made. Rudy had no choice and accepted the deal. At the time Rudy couldn't get clients other than what he already had because he needed to pass the bar exam. Deck was another partner in Bruiser's firm although he had never passed the bar. Deck was very welcoming to Rudy and showed him how everything worked.
             The Black case had made little progress, except for filing suit and Rudy got them signed over to him again. Mrs. Birdie's will was in the middle of being drafted but Rudy ran into some problems. She said that she had inherited money from her husband but after doing research Rudy found out that she didn't have as much as she thought she did. He didn't want to worry her with financial matters and kept it a secret.
             While Rudy was at the hospital and supposed to be looking for clients he was really studying for the bar exam. He sat in a grill in the hospital and was buried in law books. Rudy saw a young lady get out of her wheel chair and sit down to eat after being escorted by a male nurse. She was crying and Rudy went over and talked to her. Her name was Kelly Riker and she was abused by Cliff Riker, her husband.

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