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The Nike Project

Women's sport has come a long way from there. But although it is moving in the right direction there is still a long, long way to go before women are considered equal on the sporting field. .
             Participation levels in women's sport are increasing, but are still substantially behind men. The Nike report suggests that the age group where most women are lost in levels of participation in comparison to men is 14-16. The main physiological changes that occur in women are occurring during these years. It is a very important stage of a young women's life and sport participation is something that often gets neglected by women this age. There is a whole range of factors why this occurs.
             At the age of fourteen physical education is not compulsory on the national curriculum. Students have the choice between subjects, over what they want to take for the following two years of secondary school education leading up their G.C.S.E exams. This is the stage where most are lost. In many cases women students like playing sport but are told to take more academic subjects by there parents because they feel that there is more of a future for their daughter in today's society with more G.C.SE'S in academic subjects. This a major reasons why partication drops. .
             The support on offer to young women at this age is poor. But the root of the problem may just lie at their parents thought process. They are simply just fitting in with social norms and social perceptions, and the social perception of women's sport in comparison to men is not great. Is there a future in sport for their daughter? Obvious this answer varies from case to case, but the vast majority of the answers to this question will be no. But why is this so? The parents would very possibly of got most of their information about women's sport through the media. .
             The role of the media, as in any topic, is extremely important in the way the general public perceive it.

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