The Home front (life in the US during the war) - Farmers grew enough crops to feed the US and all its Allies - planes, bombers, tanks, scout cars and carriers, armored cars, trucks, light vehicles, rifles and side-arms, machine guns, artillery and ammo were produced in factories - production during the war was 75% greater than in peacetime - US financed the war by taxes and war bonds - WWII cost over $400 billion - Navajo Indians were code talkers (because their language was never written down it couldn't be learned) - War Production Bond directed the conversion of factories from peacetime to wartime productions - gasoline, fuel, shoes, coffee, sugar, fats, oils, nuts, butter, and canned goods were rationed - 12 million African Americans, 50,000 Native Americans, and 2 million women worked on army supplies - to control prices, the government raised income taxes and encouraged Americans to buy war bonds - Nisei (native born Americans who's parents were from Japan) were moved to detention camps in other states because of war hysteria and FDRs executive order; they had to sell all their possessions for a fraction of the price then go to railroad stations with only 2 pieces of luggage where they were transported to camps in desolate areas .
Holocaust - the systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe; more than ½ were Jews .
Strategies and turning points in defeating fascism in Europe - Allow war supplies and troops to get to Europe, Clear Africa of Italian & German forces & open the Mediterranean Sea & Suez Canal to Allied Shipping (1942-43), Invade Europe from Tunisia through Sicily & Italy, Normandy Invasion (D-Day), Drive through France and Belgium to Germany - Turning points: Battle of Stalingrad, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge - Strategies: Take control of Africa and Italy, Attack France from Italy and Normandy .
3 major mistakes made by Hitler - allowing Allied troops to retreat from Dunkirk; Bombing London, giving the RAF time to rebuild; failure to take over USSR .