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Killer Whales

When hunting in pods the animals work together to find and capture the food and then they eat together. It is said that these animals may possibly use the sounds that they make to find food by listening for the echoes that bounce off of other creatures in the ocean. (Killer Whale 3.).
             Along with hunting together, killer whales are known to stay with their pod for all of life. These pods (varying from 6-40 whales) are very close knit and bonding orientated. The pods work to carry on the species; they protect the young, take care of the sick and they provide mates for each other. Orcas (another name for killer whales) usually breed in winter to early spring months while near the surface of the ocean and in warm waters. The gestation period is about 16-17 months and the calf is born tail end first. Calves are usually born between October and March. It is interesting to note that the newborn Orca instinctively swims to the surfaces within the first 10 seconds after it is born to take a breath. The mother Orca helps the baby along by pushing the baby upwards with her flippers. Within the first half hour of life the baby whale can swim. Most births are single and they hardly ever give birth to twins (Killer Whale 2.).
             Newborn Orcas are approximately 2-2.5 meters long (6.5- 8 feet) and weighing up to 180 kg.(400 pounds.)This seems large compared to most animals that we, as humans, come in to contact with, however; an adult female killer whale can reach up to lengths of 24 feet and weigh between 3000 and 8000 pounds. An adult male killer whale can be measured up to 27 feet long and can weigh as much as 12,000 pounds. (Orca 1.).
             At this time, Killer Whales are not an endangered species. This is probably do to the fact that they are the largest and probably the fiercest predators in the ocean. Also, Killer Whales have a very long life span compared to other animals. The average life expectancy for a male Orca is 30-35 years, the average life expectancy for a female Orca is an amazing 50 years! The way that scientists have found out how long a killer whale lives is by cutting one of the whale's teeth and counting the growth layers that it has.

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