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But only 20 years later, most of these firms were no patent medicine manufacturers anymore but manufacturers of food, soap, cosmetics and automobiles. .
             These firms began to market their packaged goods under brand names. .
             Some of the first brands were firms like Ivory, Colgate, Wrigley and Coca Cola. Previously such everyday household products like milk, sugar, soap, rice and candles had been sold in neighbourhood shops from bulk packages. .
             In the 1920s advertisers and their agents had come to realize the radio's possibilities. .
             With it's drama and immediacy, radio could convey their message directly to the consumer who would not need to purchase a publication or even need to be literate.
             In the 1950s came television, which developed fast to be the leading advertising-media. Now advertisers could demonstrate the use of their products and present well-known figures to praise it. .
             Today advertisers spend millions of dollars for their campaigns, although they don't always know how effective their advertising dollars really are. Frank W. Woolworth once said: "I know that half of my advertising budget is wasted. The problem is that I don't know which half". The advent of Information Technology has transformed the advertising industry even further. I sought a number of views from persons working in the advertising presently and presented the information as follows.
             The industry has been quick to adapt to information technology in its design and production aspects. Since 1995 when windows introduced its Windows 95 operating system that could accommodate various design and animation options, many advertising firms have realized how important I.T is important to the industry. As a result these firms have invested heavily in the information technology hardware and orgware that is advertising personnel conversant with I.T. packages.
             The Impact of I.T on Advertising;.
             Before computers were the norm, advertisers employed graphic designers mostly talented artists to design copy especially for outdoor advertising.

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