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The Importance For IT Professionals To Possess Other (non-technical) Skills

            The Importance for IT professionals to possess other (non-technical) skills.
             Information technology professionals within an organization tend to work together in a team environment. Team members within an organization must learn to work together to complete a job. Professionals that make up this team may include systems analyst, information systems management, programmers, users and other specialists. In order to work well together , a team must strive to communicate clearly and completely with its members. To achieve this, members will have to trust and respect each other. Furthermore each member should put one's own views second to the view's of the group. The responsibility and accountability within a team should be shared, for success in a team environment. .
             Each member must also have additional skills to perform their specific job within the team. Managers are an important part of a team's success. This may be performed by an IS Manager or a systems analyst. As a systems analyst manager, one must be able to manage their own work and the work of others. Additionally an analyst must know how to get the most out of his or her resources. Some resources may include technology, documentation, and money. The most important resource to a manager is people. A team leader must utilize each members talents to the maximum of their ability. Team leaders should promote a reward structure that promotes shared responsibility and accountability. The motivation of people working together and instilling trust and interdependence within a team will be stressed upon with a good team leader. To do this an analyst must have leadership qualities and be able to delegate work effectively to other team members. A big component for a team leader will be their communication skills. Communication will take place in many different forms. These forms can be written, visual or verbal communication.

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