"Some religions are more concerned with making everyone else believe what they believe, than actually worshiping in their own way."".
Ten years later I still contemplate the same questions. What exactly is the goal of organized religion? Have these goals been achieved?.
From its roots in polytheism and idolatry, hero-worship and allegory, to theism of one omnipotent, all-powerful creator, religion has had its tightened fist around human nature. Its very essence is to provide an answer to our universal questions: Why are we here? What comes next? Along with the answer to these questions, it sets peaceful guidelines and rules for us to live by. So why is the world in such a terrible state? Shouldn't it be thriving with peace, love, kindness, harmony, and generosity? Shouldn't it resemble the Garden of Eden? It doesn't. No countries exist in total peace. With every new weapon of mass destruction that is created and every new terrorist attack, the brink of extinction creeps closer and closer to our front door. And what do these terrorists, radical countries, and regimes name as the reason for their actions? Religion. .
Religion has failed, and it has failed miserably "at the expense of billions of irretrievable innocent lives. The last few thousand years is long enough to realize that religion and belief in gods has failed to deliver on a single promise that has been beneficial to mankind. It is a failed experiment.
Like the mad scientist in cartoons that makes the cat think it's a dog and the dog think it's a cat, religion brainwashes its followers "it's brainwashing in its purest and simplest form. At the heart of religious ideology lies the notion that every religion believes it is supreme to all others. It must, otherwise it would not exist. The only thing that can possibly transpire from this theory of religious supremacy is the argument that "My God is better than your God,"" creating hate and fear, which lead to war, bloodshed, suffering, and death.