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             HR PRACTICES.
             Two of the most important HR practices are recruitment-selection and performance management. If organizations manage to match their HR strategies to business strategies, then they will be able to achieve their corporate goals more efficiently. .
             Recruitment and selection.
             These practices are concerned with identifying, attracting and choosing suitable workforce that can meet the organization's human resource criteria. Although recruitment can be considered the research for the ideal number and quality of employees that will fulfill the company's needs, the HR manager, during the selection process2 must predict which candidate is more competent for the organization. "As the most important resources of an organization are its people, ensuring that the right people are selected to be employed is vital to the organization success."(Torrington 1995).
             They are really important because the achievement and maintenance of competitive advantage depends on the attraction of high quality employees who will be able to respond effectively to the dynamic environment of business. Taking into account that the structure of companies and nature of occupations differ in terms of what they require from individuals, it can be seen clearly that specific employees can best fit to specific jobs. "Hiring the right people is of paramount importance and this is dependent on effective recruitment and selection procedures, which aim to select the right individuals and reject the wrong ones". (Bach S. Sisson K. 2000) .
             The stages-methods of recruitment and selection are briefly discussed in appendix 1.
             Performance Management .
             "Performance management can be defined as a strategic and intergraded approach to delivering sustained success to organizations by improving performance and developing the capabilities of the workforce" (Armstrong 2003). It can provide linkage between the employees and business strategies, because it clarifies corporate goals and translates them into individual's (employees) goals.

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