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Sioux Wars

             War as many people have thought, didn't start with the white man coming to America. War has been going on among tribes for, as long as there have been people. Among the American Indians the Sioux were the most feared of all tribes, Probably because the Sioux were the largest tribe. The Sioux consisted of four main branches the Teton, Santee, Yankton, and the Yanktonaj. Those four branches were also broken up into different groups. Unlike modern wars these wars were fought in hand-to-hand combat often resulting in a bloody battle. There were also no rules to follow, so there was nothing ethical about any thing that they did. .
             From the story in the book of The Singing Spirit called, In the Name of His Ancestor. It talks about a story of two tribes, the tribe of the Rock River country and the Sioux. The two tribes had been fighting for a long time then finally the Sioux offered a peace treaty. But when the Rock River elders arrived at the Sioux camp the elders were all brutally murdered and scalped. But one of the sons escaped and returned home. He set up a war party to get revenge and he did.
             Some of the most famous battles in history were fought by the Sioux. The Grattan affair, the Minnesota uprising, the war for the Bozeman trail, The war for the black hills and the most famous of all was the battle at wounded knee The most famous chiefs or Indian leaders in history were Sioux. The Most famous were Spotted tail, Red cloud, Sitting Bull and Crazy horse. In conclusion the Sioux were great warriors that left a big dent in the history books.

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