Malcolm X. His gospel was hatred and his motto was; "If ballots won't .
work, bullets will." Malcolm X was a former pimp, cocaine addict, and .
thief. He started a militant, all black group called the Black Panthers. On .
a bright Sunday in a ballroom in Manhattan in full view of 400 blacks.
Malcolm was murdered. Three men casually walked down the aisle; and .
from eight feet opened fire with sawed-off double barreled shotguns. .
Malcolm was killed by a pair of point blank range shots to the chest.
On March 12, 1965, U.S. Highway 80 was blocked by sixty state .
troopers who stood in a wall three deep 400 yards past the Edmund Pettus .
Bridge, which crosses the Alabama river. When black marchers came .
within 100 yards the troopers were ordered to put on their gas masks. At .
twenty five yards the marchers stopped. Seconds later the command .
"troopers forward" was barked. The troopers moved in a solid wall .
pushing back the front marchers. At 75 yards the troopers were joined by .
posse men and deputies with tear gas canisters, in seconds the road was .
swirling with clouds of smoke. The mounted men brought out bull whips .
and began beating the marchers. Never in history had the American public .
responded with such fury. Over 15,000 thousand people marched in five .
different cities across the country. .
On Sunday, March 21, 1965 a crowd of 3,400 marchers lead by two .
Nobel Peace Prize winners, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Ralph Bunche, .
departed from Selma on their four day march to Montgomery. They were .
accompanied by 2,900 military police, U.S. Marshals, and FBI agents. The .
goal of the march was to serve the governor with a petition protesting .
voter discrimination. When the crowd reached the capital the governor .
reneged and blandly told them "the capitol is closed today.".
By August of 1965 riots began to erupt in Los Angeles. At the end .
of one week there were 27 dead, almost 600 injured, 1,700 arrested, and .