New industrialization created a demand for many products that included the use of resources such as copper, tin, manganese, and other resources mentioned earlier. Thus with advances in production, there was a need to distribute and trade these products to neighboring lands. Therefore, the development of cargo steamships or steamboats became an important factor in the conquest of imperialism. Troop transports, global communications, and canals soon followed. For those who had a nominal interest in the interiors of Africa, the development of quinine prevented malaria and allowed further development. Naturally, there were also advancements in weapon technology. Firearms became more deadly, cheap to make, and more effective. For example, while many natives were still using muzzle-loading muskets, Europeans were using breech-loading rifles which can fire 5-6 times further and fired 10 times as fast as a musket. Eventually, smokeless powder was developed which didn't reveal a shooter's position who was also equipped with machine guns and repeating rifles. The Battle of Omdurman was a clear significance of the power these new weapons provided.
With plenty of land and resources being taken over, it was most certain that many (especially natives) would oppose against what was going on. Of course Great Britain never openly said that India was their jewel, the United States' interest in the Suez Canal wasn't publicly announced, and France's plans to capture Algeria were overlooked for other reasoning. These countries definitely used other reasoning to rationalize their imperial rule. Europeans believed that they would be doing these natives a favor by colonizing them to the level of European civilization. They wanted to bring forth education through schools and missionaries. Many wanted to abolish slavery, end polygamy, and end unacceptable practices. Everyone wanted to promote economic trade and prosperity.