Body Building Supplements are a must for serious and novice competetors.
Supplements are an addition or completion of an object. So in bodybuilding athelets use .
supplements to complete or add on to the body's natural performance. There are two types .
of supplements in the bodybuilding worls: The detramental and advantageouse .
The detramental supplements are the ones that useally do more harm than good. .
Some types of detramental supplements are Steroids. Steroids are synthetic variations of .
the male sex horomone, testosterone (Silverstien 17-18). They are also a wide variety of .
over-the-counter (OTC) supplements.
The effects of detramental supplements to the body such as steroids. Steroids have .
a list of some harmful effects of steroid use like, Heart Disease, Liver Cancer, Kidney .
Failure, Acne, and Ulcers. Athelets also can abotain HIV from the shared needles (Patton .
6). Creatine also has some severe side effects. A few are Liver Inflamation, Muscle .
cramping, and head aches (Patton 6). Creatine " in certain stressful or hot conditions .
because of there ability to mask fatigue, thus allowing the athelete to push him or her .
beyond normal danger points" says Julion Bales (qtd in Wallace 19). These are the most .
common reasons why people take steroids. They aren't willing to invest the time, .
discipline, or commitment to explore every conceivable routine that could work for them. .
Some say they have little concern for the future of their health (Wolff 219).
Although Creatine is harmful for the body. They are not illegal. Steroids .
on the other hand are extremley illegal. In the late 1980's people started to make laws .
against Steroids. In 1988 when The Omnibus anti-Substance Abuse act went into affect, .
the Act stated that the distrabution or possesion with intent to sell was a felony .
punishable by three years in prison (Silverstein 54). In 1991 The Anabolic Steroids .
Control act of 1990 took affect witch made twenty seven Anabolic Steroids substances .