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             All the evidence indicates that it is a lack of awareness of the capabilities of workplace culture which inhibit organizations from benefiting from telecommuting, rather than any intrinsic business need to cram all workers into one place for the same 8 hours every day.
             Benefits for the workforce.
             Access to work is a problem for many people, for example those with disabilities, with caring responsibilities and people on lower incomes, especially in rural areas. Teleworking brings work to the people, rather than people to the work.
             Reaping the benefits for families.
             Benefits for employers and personal benefits for employees come together with the reduction in stress, greater work satisfaction and the achieving of a more positive home/work balance.
             Reaping the benefits for the community.
             Teleworking could help revitalize dormitory villages with more activity during the day and the potential for knock-on local economic effects. Also working people would be able to participate more in the life of their communities, as councilors, governors, magistrates or performing other voluntary work. .
             Reaping the benefits for the environment.
             Reduced car travel would benefit the environment, reducing pollution levels and the need to build more roads. .
             Advantages to Employer.
             1. Better concentration: many interruptions to work flow are avoided resulting to greater productivity.
             2. No late starting because of travel difficulties which may cause:.
             a. Late or non-arrival of employee.
             b. "Decompression" time lost as employee recovers from a difficult commute.
             3. Less time taken off due to illness:.
             a. Employees who are sufficiently unwell not to commute might be able to work from home.
             b. Employees recovering from serious illness might be able to work during recuperative period.
             c. Because employees are more isolated, they are less likely to spread or contract contagious diseases such as flu, colds, viruses, etc.

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