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Teen Pregnancy

They should also remember that they are role models for their children. Mary Warnock quotes, "You cannot teach morality without being committed to morality yourself; and you cannot be committed to morality yourself without holding that some things are right and others wrong." (McCuen 66). It is the quality of the care and time that individuals take with other individuals that means the most in the formation of character. (McCuen 66).
             More than two out of three public school districts have a policy mandating sexuality education. (Sonenstein 2). There has been an intense debate in many state governments and local communities over whether sexuality education curricula should include information about contraception as well as the promotion of abstinence. Eighty-six percent of school districts with a sexuality education policy require promotion of abstinence. There are many true and powerful reasons to justify teaching abstinence to teenagers. Besides teaching skills of resistance to help teens say no, they should stress that sex is not simply a physical or mechanical act. They should be taught that that sex involves complicated feelings and emotions and is tied to the deepest recesses of the personality. (McCuen 64). Teenagers need to be told the truth; they need to hear reality. You can improve teenager's knowledge and attitudes but their effects on behavior can become complicated and emotional. (Lucker 188).
             Consensus may have been reached about the importance of involving males in teen pregnancy prevention, but little is generally known about how to reach them or how to influence their reproductive behavior. Sexual behavior involves two partners, and decisions to have sex and to use contraception reflect both partners" perspectives, whether explicitly or implicitly. Creating pressure for more intense focus on male reproductive behavior emerges from child support policy.

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