There is no such thing as a purely altruistic person. An example is this, "If we know that another, especially a close relative or friend, is suffering, then we ourselves become emotionally disturbed, sometimes to the point of anguish. Only by helping (or trying to help) can we hope to alleviate our own stress" (Goodall 318). It is true that no one wants to see a loved one in pain; however another reason for this is because it hurts the uninjured one to see such pain. The reason that mainly family members are helped is because of coincidence; most of a life is lived with family and when it comes to one of those members being hurt, the altruist is going to feel worse to see a loved ones pain than to see the pain of a stranger. Technology has made our society about feeling good; everything is adapted to make sure people feel good, altruism is an extension of this. Technology teaches us to do what feels good, and helping people feels good. A true altruist does not exist, only what technology has created.
All living things have genes; some are more closely related than others, "human DNA differs from chimpanzee DNA by only just over one percent" (Goodall 312). Another reason that species are so selfish is because they want their genes to be carried on for as long as possible, "Genes are said to be our rulers, and to strive for their own replication" (De Waal 650). Therefore, when someone sees a member of their family in trouble they rush to help them with the subconscious feeling that they need to continue their gene pool. The thought of losing ones gene pool does not enter the mind although it is in the natural scheme of things to want to continue your own genes for as long as possible. With the current technology the morals of genes are even less. People can choose the gender or hair color of their unborn children. Technology is creating the human race as the most immoral species of all.