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Prison Gangs

They are not well structured or well established. They are usually made up of members who are often strangers to each other, most of them brought together by the color of their skin. However, note, "when researching the origin of gangs it is sometimes difficult to distinguish fact from fiction or legend"(Walker, 1).
             The Latin Kings are "primarily in correctional facilities and large metropolitan areas throughout Connecticut, Chicago, and New York" (SE-GAG). They are primarily Hispanic but some Italians, Portuguese, Jamaicans, and Haitians have joined the Latin Kings. They have an "established hierarchy and chain of command and have strict rules of adherence" (SE-GAG). They are the oldest and largest Hispanic street gang, which dates back to the 1940's in Chicago, Illinois. The gang was formed to "protect and preserve the identity of their culture and aspired to the personal, social, and economic needs of it's people fearing verbal, mental, and physical attacks by their American counterparts" (SE-GAG). Netas originated in the jails of Puerto Rico during the 1970's. Their primary philosophy is to advocate peace and harmony among the inmates in jail. They feel that they are part of an oppressed group of people "unwillfully" governed in the United States. .
             The Latin Kings were their rivals at one point but now they are alliances. They are predominantly Hispanic with some White and Black members. They have an established hierarchy including a president, vice president, recruiter, secretary, sergeant of arms, and enforcer. They have 29 rules that all apply to the member's behavior in correctional facilities. Some of their rules include: do not steal, respect all inmates, if you want something pay and if you think you can't pay then don't borrow, do not lustfully desire an inmate's visit, street beefs are dead in jail, respect the officers so that you can be respected, don't fight with your family, watch your personal hygiene, and If you want to talk to the police take somebody with you to watch your back and be a witness.

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