The second student would require extra time and help from me, or from some other source that I could help arrange. I would need to gather glean this information based on the sociological skills I learned while in this course.
During this semester I was able to put much of the skills I have learned to use. I work at a Boys and Girls Club in Lexington Park, where 95% of the children are at the poverty level. Dealing and interacting with these children has been a rewarding experience in more than one way. Not only has it given me experience for my professional career, but it has also helped me to learn how to apply what I've learned to real life before attempting to do so in an actual classroom setting. The children have special needs because of where they come from. Many of them don't receive enough attention at home or in the schools they attend, and seek it elsewhere. .
In class I learned how people sometimes manifest their shortcomings by searching for attention and/or gratification in the wrong places, and money was the example used. These children do this, but in a different way. They exhibit all the signs of lacking love and affection by getting in trouble constantly, even after they have a clear understanding of the rules. Often punishments are not successful because what the child wants is a punishment; at least when he or she is being punished someone is paying attention to them, acknowledging their existence, and helping them feel that at least someone cares about what they do and say. Even when they complain, loudly about homework time or other academic obligations that the Club requires, often it is only because secretly they are glad that someone is concerned with their success academically and in general. Since no one at home seems to have time, patience, or the knowledge to understand what they are learning at school, the children cherish this time to interact with adults that not only care but demand a certain level of performance.