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Tax Effect Accounting

             Assessable or deductible temporary differences x Tax rates = Deferred tax liabilities or assets.
             This essay will look into the new tax-effect accounting and then identify the significant differences between the conceptual basis of tax-effect accounting adopted in the revised and superseded Standards. This essay will also look at some basic measures that organizations can take to confront this new change.
             The New Tax Effect Accounting.
             The revised AAS 3 / AASB 1020 "Income Taxes" replaces the superseded Standard AAS 3 / AASB 1020 "Accounting for Income Taxes". The revised Standard was compulsory for half-year ending on or after 31 December 2002 and full-years ending on or after 30 June 2003 but has been deferred. It has been deferred to 30 June 2003.
             The revised Standard requires the use of a comprehensive balance sheet liability method of tax effect accounting.
             This requires that an entity recognise the amount of current tax payable or refundable and future tax consequences of transactions and other events recognised in the financial report as deferred tax liability or assets in the reporting period in which the transaction and other events giving rise to those future consequences occur.
             The basic proposition behind this approach is that as the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities are recovered or settled, they will give rises to future assessable or deductible amounts and so will affect the taxable amount in the future reporting periods.
             In the case of an asset, the carrying amount of an asset cannot exceed its recoverable amount, the realisation of the asset will generate future economic benefits which will normally attract income tax and a deferred tax liability therefore arises which represents the future tax consequences that will result from recovering the value of the asset.
             The deferred tax liability arising satisfies the definition of a liability under Statement of Accounting Concepts SAC 4 "Definition and Recognition of the Elements of Financial Statement" as it represents the future sacrifices of economic benefits which the entity is presently obliged to make as a result of a past transaction or event.

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