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Symbolism Vs. Truth

In referring to the gods of diversity/politically correct, the Pledge of Allegiance states "one Nation under God" not "one Nation under many gods." Somewhere during the transition of this moving event, society has lost focus on the meaning of "United We Stand.
             Many New York City firefighters and their families are upset by the falsification of real events (Parker 2002). They feel the statue should represent the reality of what happened on 9-11, not race and color. The main goal here was to honor "343 firefighters lost in the line of duty" by all means, not "343 firefighters of different race, color, and creed." While others feel symbolism of ethnics is all that matters and not the actual portrayal of the three men involved. My own beliefs are based on truth and honesty, I believe all the events of the September 11, 2001 terrorists' attacks will be written in the history books; these historical writings and vivid photographs will be entered truthfully and untouched. The statue should be a complete replica of what will serve as a teaching tool for our children in the future classrooms. Altering the faces of the actual firefighters is a gigantic symbolism, which allows us to be looked upon as a society that lowered .
             Haulk 3 .
             their principles on the issue of truth, honesty, sincerity, honor, and respect. If we base our truth on symbolism chaos would prevail, society could no longer distinguish what is fact and what is fiction. Any changes to the actual photograph of this historically unforgettable happening would, without end, exploit the sacredness of these three men honoring the heroic bravery of the 343 firefighters who gave their lives to try and save thousands of men, women, and children. There is our symbolism and our truth; I find nothing in need of being politically corrected.
             The fact is, we are a diverse nation (Parker 2002), and being a nation of many ethnics, colors, symbols, and truths we must learn to prioritize.

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