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Strategies Of Planning

Their plan is to train young soldiers to become leaders, future non-commissioned officers, and that is a very important task in training the next generation of leaders. It is important to train soldiers that are mirrors of the values and ethics that this powerful organization stands for, and that they are competent enough to lead when called upon. .
             At the NCO academy, I am a small group leader, which instructs soldiers to become NCOs. I am a manager of students. Everyone has a supervisor or manger that has a specific job title. My manager's job title name is senior small group leader. He does the same job as me, but he is ultimately responsible for our group. There are four groups, which are broken down as follows, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. Some groups have two to three instructors, and all of them can adequately teach eighteen soldiers.
             What conditions are required in development of learning strategies that will influence and organizations culture? At the NCO academy, every instructor has to go through an instructor-training course before he or she can qualify to instruct students. Then you are given thirty days to shadow a group and observe in the instruction. Every instructor has different ways of learning. They are several types of learning styles that are auditory, visual, and Kinesthetic. Auditory learners learn best by hearing the material. Visual learners need to see the material to learn most effectively. Kinesthetic learners are those who learn best by doing. Every instructor will use a combination of all three. For example, if a soldier is a strong visual learner but has good listening skills, that soldier may want to use those secondary auditory skills to boost the visual modality for even better learning. The kinesthetic response of rewriting notes after the lecture will help reinforce material presented. The way in which a soldier takes in new information, sorts, retains, retrieves, and reproduces it is heavily dependent on the style of learning.

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