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The fight- flight response is a physiological response because it causes physiological arousal like increasing heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, among other responses that prepare the body to deal with the treat. Another physiological response are the psychosomatic symptoms this symptoms are real pain such as headaches, stomachaches, fatigue, skin disorders, etc. which are caused by psychological factors. The general adaptation syndrome is when the body faces a stressful situation and it reacts by going through three stages. Stage one is the alarm system, which refers to the turning on of the fight-flight response. The second stage is the resistance stage is when the body reacts to continued stress and most physiological responses return to normal levels but the body uses a lot of energy to do so. Finally, the third stage is exhaustion stage and it is when the stress is to long and it causes an actual breakdown in internal organs or weakening of the immune system. The mind-body connection is also a physiological response, because it tells us how our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can produce changes physiologically that can be for better or for worst to our health and well being. Psychoneuroimmunology focuses on how our mind, emotions, feelings and our brain affect our immune system.
             The body also reacts psychologically to stress. Hassles are little things that irritate us and that we face daily, we usually say they are stressful experiences. Uplifts are the opposite, small things that are pleasurable and satisfying. Hassles increase stress but not just hassles do, major life events do too. This are big situations we live, they can be positive or negative but that have caused a big impact in our lives, life for example, getting married. Frustration is also a psychological reaction, it refers to a bad feeling of not being able to reach a goal. Another psychological response is burnout, this when we are tired of the tedious hard working days where we put a lot of effort and receive little or no satisfaction.

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