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Summer Of 1982

            The summer of 1982 was one that I will never forget. I was a shy six year old girl that was about to embark on journey that would change my life in ways that I could not even imagine. My mother kept telling me that everything was going to be fine. We were moving to North Carolina.
             For days now, I had seen my mother constantly packing and unpacking boxes. She would repeatedly mutter, "This should be in here with this," pack the box, change her mind, rearrange some items, and then finally tape it closed. I watched this process happen time and time again. There were so many boxes taped shut and written on that it seemed as if the whole house smelled of tape and magic marker.
             It started in the linen closet. One day it smelled like Bounce fabric softener and then the next it was almost empty! That must be what was in those boxes in the dining room. That closet looked bigger with shelf after bare shelf. I would have to remember to ask mother why she was getting rid of all the towels. We needed to get some more so that we would have something to dry ourselves with after we took a bath. .
             Then it was the dining room china cabinet. All the pretty dishes were gone. Mother said we weren't supposed to eat on these. Was she giving all of this stuff away? There was paper everywhere. I always got in trouble if I left paper all over the floor like this. Someone was going to be in big trouble. There was newspaper everywhere! I never realized how funny it smelled. Then I heard mother coming. I ran to my room before she thought that I made this mess.
             She poked her head through my doorway, smiling. I said, "Mama, somebody made a mess in the dining room." She said, "I am packing up for our move to North Carolina." I asked, "Why are we moving?" She replied, "To be closer to family. You will like North Carolina." I said, "I like it here.".
             My mother assured me that North Carolina would be fun, and that I would meet new friends as well as cousins and aunts and uncles.

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