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Statutory Rape

             female sexual partners."(Darroch, Jacqueline 1). Which reported to say, "many.
             pregnancies lead to a fatherless families, that increase the risk of child sexual .
             abuse."(Discussion, Teen 3) This has to do with the immaturity in themselves as.
             a parent. They have little money and definitely would not be able to live on their.
             own independently. By this time the parent and child's life is practically over,.
             just because the adult actually already knew the laws and consequences they run.
             from the situation. This minor will now probably or have to drop out of school,.
             get kicked out of his/her house, and will live homeless. This is what will lead a.
             "new born child into a family breakdown of lack of parental supervision and child.
             abuse."(Westphal, Sylvia 4).
             Now that almost half of the world is under the problem of statutory rape , we.
             need to start tracking down the source of the problem . The US found out that.
             the problem was in the education of the parents, and how their child life was and.
             if it affected their own children. For one, "children whose parents separate are.
             significantly more likely to engage in early sexual activity than their peers whose.
             parents are together."(Westphal, Sylvia 4) .
             Studies show that "60% of Americans with separated parents are involved in a.
             sexual relationship with someone over the age of 18 or under.(Westphal, Sylvia.
             4) The other 40% are other cases of step family problems, death in family, abuse,.
             or just family problems.(Darroch, Jacqueline 2).
             The long road ahead leads child after child into a family of immature,.
             irresponsible parents that will just go on and on until something is finally done. .
             Because if not, the children will follow after their parents footsteps and not even.
             be close to ready to face the difficulties they face ahead. For this I blame the.
             parents the most for letting it start, because your child is your own life, and they.
             count on you to show them the way and to teach them from the wrong and the.

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