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Struggle For Soverirnty

             Societal entrepreneurs are the creators of the "package" that an object to be known comes with. This "packaging" is an attribute of everything comprehendible. Percy states, that the student should know that he has a responsibility of understanding the specimen, i.e. the dogfish, by rescuing it from its educational package. He continues, "The educator is partly to blame. For there is nothing the educator can do to provide for this need of the student. Every thing the educator does only succeeds in becoming for the student, part of the educational package." But Percy clarifies instantly saying that the educator can be, not an entrepreneur of creating the package, but a helper of the student in becoming a sovereign individual, not a consumer of experience. .
             Virginia Woolf draws on the same aspect of experiencing "authentic" thoughts, by incidents that she comes across while she experienced different incidents in the boys" college and later on in the girls" college. At one point, she compares her thoughts, to be a fish, to be thrown back into the streams; perchance it gets fatter in the future- hinting at re-packaging of the idea. But she also goes through other "authentic" experience, notably, when she was very close to library that harbors the treatise of Milton's Lycidas, for which he is renowned for altering the meanings of few words. To Woolf that was "authentic" as it gets, when the towering Library, sparks the thought of Milton's and Thackerey's manuscripts; or similarly the dialogues of men and women, reminds her of poems by Tennyson and Rossetti. .
             However, A Room of One's Own, thoughts are only a vehicle which Woolf uses, in contradistinction to Percy's mechanism of providing hypothetical examples, to write her essay about woman and fiction. Her main idea was to present an elegant piece of work, on the struggles of woman, mixed within as being a woman in general, as being authors, as being subject of fiction or a combination of all.

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