Since this time, performance enhancing drugs have been a hot topic for debate. Doctors, sports writers, and athletes have written numerous books, periodicals, and journals discussing their opinions on the controversial issue whether performance enhancing drugs should be legalized.
Many have debated that steroids should not be allowed to be used in athletic competition. One reason for this is the medical problems that may stem from steroids use. "The medial profession is now beginning to understand that anabolic-androgenic steroids have serious, in some cases lethal, side effects"(Voy). Side effects such as heart disease, prostate cancer, acne, mood swings, hair loss and high blood pressure can be seen in male users of steroids. Women may also contract some of these diseases as well as growing male sex organs. There are serious side effects that can effect anyone using anabolic steroids. .
On top of the health risks that anabolic steroids may produce, it has been argued that steroids give athletes an unfair advantage over other athletes. Steroids help build muscle, and in certain sports the bigger, stronger and more aggressive person is going to have the advantage. Some people argue that steroids is a form of cheating. That the only reason that an athlete is exceeding in that sport is because steroids is doing it for them. This unfair advantage will force athletes that are not using steroids to begin using them in order to keep on the same playing level as athletes that are taking steroids. Steroids like many other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and nicotine is addictive. Once a person stops using anabolic steroids they will lose some of the weight and muscle that they have gained. This is very hard for the person to deal with, and they will need to get back on steroids to keep the same body physique as they had before. .
Although steroids may be harmful to the body, the gains that steroids give athletes are so great that the positives cancel out all the negatives.