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STD Testing

With mandatory STD/HIV testing in high school it raises awareness on how big of a problem this is. Teenagers are having sex and will continue to have sex. If they are aware on how common STD infections are, then they will be more likely to use protection and practice safe sex. This would decrease the spreading of STDs, some of which are incurable. Another benefit of this would be a decrease in teenage pregnancies. If teenagers were being more careful, then a drop in teenage pregnancies would occur. .
             Teenagers might feel like the school is intruding on their personal lives. By providing free screening we are only trying to ensure that they stay healthy. Schools require students to have all their measles shots, so why not STD testing. It is all for the protection of our kids, correct? Any way we can provide extra protection for the health of America's youth needs to be done. In high school teenagers are getting their education to prepare them for the future. Is it not important in a teenager's future to be health conscious? Obviously by looking at the statistics teenagers are not aware enough of the severity of the problem with STDs. We are in a position to where we can help them and we should take advantage of that for their sake.
             Mandatory STD/HIV testing might suggest that having sex as a teenager is OK. It might make it seem that everyone is sexually active during high school, which is not true. The fact is that one in four STD infections occur in teenagers. So while not all students may be sexually active a good portion seem to be. With mandatory screening we are not saying that having sex is OK, but we are saying that having sex has bad consequences if not done so responsibly. There is a problem at hand and if we chose to continue to give the problem only minimal attention it will continue to grow. Teenagers make mistakes often because of their lack of experience in life. One mistake could cause a teenager to become infected with an incurable disease that could lead to fatal results.

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