In Spina Bifida Occulta, one might form a dimple, depression, birthmark, or hairy patch over the skin where more than one vertebra is affected. Spina Bifida Manifesta is often associated with nerve damage that results in difficulty walking, bladder control, and coordination. The only true way to know if you have Spina Bifida is to get clinically diagnosed by a doctor.
In order to diagnose someone with Spina Bifida, several test need to be done. The maternal serum triple test uses blood samples from the mother to screen for fetal abnormalities, including neural tube defects (NTD). Elevated levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) mean you are more likely to be having a baby with Spina Bifida. Amniocentesis is also done during the maternal serum triple test. They measure other levels of substances in the amniotic fluid. Spina Bifida is usually diagnosed when amniocentesis results confirm high levels of AFP and the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (ACH) and the ultrasounds show fetal abnormalities. After birth, Spina Bifida may be diagnosed by the appearance of the back and by using X-rays, MRI's, and CT scans. These methods may be used to evaluate suspected Spina Bifida.
Having a sufficient amount of Folic acid in your body when conceiving a baby is critical to preventing your child from developing Spina Bifida. All women of child-bearing age should consume a daily vitamin containing at least 400ug of folic acid. High risk women, those who have 1 child with Spina Bifida already, should consume 4000ug of folic acid daily. You can also get this B vitamin from foods such as avocados, black beans, and asparagus. Avoid high temperatures and excessive heat such as saunas and hot tubs. Avoid these things especially during the first couple of weeks of pregnancy. Watch out for fevers in the first couple weeks of pregnancy also. They can cause a child to develop Spina Bifida.
Treatment depends on the severity of the condition.