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Kroger's Online Study

            Answer 1: Having eCommerce Services means companies can focus on their business on their true core competencies. ECommerce products and services deliver efficiencies that help companies like Kroger gain a competitive advantage. The manner in which The Kroger Company has designed its ECommerce model is unique and with a high level of tenacity. It has streamlined their purchasing operations by automating their supply chain. QRS Corporation who is a leading provider of e-commerce solutions to the retail industry has signed an agreement with The Kroger Co. on May 04, 2000. QRS has provided Kroger with e-commerce services to support online purchase orders, invoices and shipping notices. QRS has also provided to Kroger, enterprise-wide connectivity including trading partner/inter-company transactions. Fred Meyer Stores, a division of Kroger, has used QRS B2B e-commerce services for several years, reducing paper trails, lost orders, human errors and telephone communication. Kroger supports the approach and objectives of the Direct Store Delivery (DSD) Data Synchronization initiative and believes that retailers and manufacturers working together will bring this much-needed functionality to the market in the shortest possible time frame. Kroger plans to utilize the standard processes defined in this initiative with the GlobalNetXchange (GNX) data synchronization solution to improve data quality and reduce errors in their DSD supply chain processes. .
             Answer2: The advantages to being a supplier to Kroger on account of data synchronization are as follows:.
             Benefits to organizations that use e-Commerce with their business partners .
             - manufacturers and service companies .
             minimizes Supply Chain inefficiences .
             o reduces inventories .
             o reduces delivery delays .
             o enables efficient e-procurement .
             build more collaborative and stronger relationships with suppliers. This includes streamlining and automating the underlying business processes, enabling areas such as .

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