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Cloning, And Stem Cell Research

             When asked in a CNN.com chat room, "When do scientists consider an embryo a life?" Dr. Jeffrey Kahn the Director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Minnesota responded with this. "It depends on the scientist, but you would get views ranging from "at conception" to "at birth." Many people consider the stage of embryos we are talking about to be "pre-embryos" since they are so early in their development." .
             Some scientists believe that there are many advantages in allowing human cloning .
             to proceed. Dr. Richard Seed, an advocate for human cloning suggests that some day it may be possible to reverse the aging process from what could be learned through cloning. Scientists also believe that they might be able to help heart attack victims by cloning the person's healthy heart cells and injecting them into the areas of their heart that were damaged from the heart attack. Through cloning, infertile couples could also be able to have children. It is a fact that the average person carries eight defective genes in them. These genes cause people to become sick when they would otherwise be healthy, through human cloning technology it may be possible to guarantee that the average person may no longer suffer from our defective genes. Scientists hope that one-day we may also be able to clone livers and kidneys for transplant patience. One of the first benefits expected from cloning technology is scientists should be able to clone bone marrow for children and adults who suffer from leukemia. Cancer may no longer be a problem if scientist learn how to switch cells on and off through cloning. Cloning could even benefit the fashion world, by providing an alternative to silicone breast implants as well as other cosmetic procedures that may cause immune diseases. Cloning would allow doctors to manufacture bone, fat, connective tissue, or cartilage that is an exact match of the patients.

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