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Six Sense Uncovered

             Night Shyamaln, is a brilliant story that includes all the aspects of an excellent script. Shyamaln uses many of Truby's structural development of a story to get the reader immersed within the story. One of Truby's first steps in creating a good script is having a problem/need. Shyamaln creates this problem-need within the character Malcolm, played by Bruce Willis. Malcolm is confronted with a patient he did not help at the beginning of the script. This failed patient helps create Malcolm's problem. Bruce Willis's character then has to deal with a young boy by the name of Cole, who is similar to the previous patient. The problem created is that Malcolm's character sees a chance to right his wrong in this young boy. There is no clear solution to this problem, which makes an interesting read, to find out how a need that Malcolm has will be fulfilled.
             Desire, which is Truby's second step to developing a worthy script, plays a part in this script at the bottom of page 28. Here the desire of Malcolm to have a normal relationship with his wife plays out. Malcolm desires to have a relationship with his wife the way they use to before he is confronted with the patient that commits suicide. This scene that is written in the restaurant is amazing in that Malcolm is the only one talking yet we get a whole sense that their marriage and relationship is taking a turn for the worse. All that Anna, (Malcolm's wife) says in the whole conversation is "Happy Anniversary." From that conversation we get a whole story being told how Malcolm doesn't make himself available to her as much as he use to.
             Shyamaln created a plan that the character Malcolm will take to find a solution both to his problem and to his desire. This plan ultimately does not work in that he tries to help the young boy Cole through his problems, before trying to help himself. Malcolm's plan would be to find out what is bothering Cole so in order to right his previous wrong with his prior patient.

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