Where does the problem begin? For nurses, the problem can be traced back to the nursing education. A serious shortage of nursing faculty is a main concern in many southern states and the District of Columbia. The combination of faculty vacancies and newly budgeted positions points to a hefty shortfall in the number of nurse educators needed. Unfilled faculty positions, resignations projected retirements, and the shortage of students being prepared for the faculty role pose a threat to the nursing education workforce over the next five years. .
Through volunteering at a local hospital, I witnessed the nursing shortage crisis first hand. Patients in rooms frequently shared their nurse among eleven other people. The overworked and underpaid nurses looked like death warmed over themselves. Rural hospitals in southern Alabama and northwest Florida are facing closure due to a shortage in registered nurses. Hospitals have implented twelve hour shift to try of differentiate the shortage. However, many of the older nurses are not capable of working for twelve hours. This has lead to the nursing workforce to get younger and more inexperienced. Many hospitals are raising pay for nurses, but this has not led to an increase in the work force. According to a study by Dr. Peter Buerhaus and colleagues published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (June 14, 2000), the U.S. will experience a 20% shortage in the number of nurses needed in the U.S. health care system by the year 2020. This translates into a shortage of more than 400,000 RNs nationwide. According to American Hospital Association's June 2001 TrendWatch, 126,000 nurses are currently needed to fill vacancies at our nation's hospitals. Today, nearly all hospital personnel vacancies are for nurses.
What can be done to increase enrollment into nursing programs? The U. S. government has implemented various ad campaigns and scholarship programs.