Through out the history of the earth, war has been a constant and on going .
Fights for freedom, or battles for future safety. What ever reason .
one may have for going to war, may never be completely understood. Still as .
the first days of war go on, no one thinks as to the importance it will have in .
their history. How future people will read and talk about it. As was in .
Vietnam, the importance is not seen until all is done. I find it good to .
acknowledge the event that took place during the Vietnam War. Although .
many say it was a war everyone lost, it is still a significant event in .
American history.
America since its first years of independence, has never been one to be a .
bully. Even now with our military superiority, we as a country find it wrong .
to disturb the peace. Unless of course, we find it absolutely necessary. .
Necessary to prevent peace from being disturbed in the future, in a worse .
manner. To ensure American freedom, the United States sees it as a must to .
defend the ways of democracy. With such proof as World War II, the U.S. .
sees communism as a threat to its peaceful way of living. Making war .
reasonable and an eventual problem. The fear that the communist in North .
Vietnam would invade and conquer the south. With no instances of defeat, .
what was to stop them from invading neighboring, non-communist .
countries. To sit across the Pacific and let them cause terror, and disrupt the .
peace. To not care that they would eventually improve and increase their .
army. A massive army of conquered soldiers, and all no longer having say in .
their lives. So preventing future numbers of enormous casualties seems to be .
a just cause for war. The people of the sixties and seventies didn't feel this .
way. At least most of them did not, and decide to voice their opinion. Still .
with good reason, through out the sixties protest began to spread. The United .
States being a great democracy, these events had an unseen effect.