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Lord Brian Darcy

Others will take up her ways and the problem will just keep growing and will eventually overwhelm us and become too powerful for us to stop. Why don't we act now and stop the problem when it can still be fixed. We cannot wait too long to fix the problem or it will grow way out of our reach and eventually be the end of us.
             If any of you have a doubt in your mind that Ursula is not guilty of witchcraft allow me to convince you and show you the truth. First of all one of my servants, Grace Thurlow, had an encounter with Ursula Kemp. I assure you that before Grace and Ursula got into a fight Grace was in perfect health and standing. After disagreements between the two, Grace somehow all of a sudden has trouble with her legs and bones. Somehow Ursula knows how to make Grace better and does it for the exchange of something to benefit herself and not from the good of her heart. After Ursula doesn't get her part of the deal the bones immediately go lame again. I don't understand how Ursula would know how to immediately cure a physical illness unless she imposed the illness upon Grace. What is even stranger is that when Ursula doesn't get her cut of the deal the lameness returns to Grace. It seems to me that there are outside forces present in this situation working with Ursula. These outside forces are working in favor of Ursula because she is using witchcraft and she must be stopped.
             It is obvious that Ursula Kemp is guilty. Look back to the testimony of her son. Don't you think that her own son who lives with her knows more about her than any of us would know? Don't you also think that a child of this age is more pure and honest than any of us? The world has not yet been able to corrupt this child and this is why I hold Thomas Rabbet's testimony so high. I believe every word he said; we just have to interpret it correctly. Children can come up with some wild things, but this testimony along with other individuals who I trust clearly points out that Ursula is guilty.

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