The long-term knowledge of sex intervention and the sexual self-efficacy scores were higher among middle school children. (Brown University, 2001_. In other words, the middle school children retained more of the information concerning the consequences and choices behind sex than the high school students. Also, researchers found that intentions to practice safe interventions were higher among the middle school children that the high school students. The study clearly shows that sex education can play a role in redefining a child's perspective on sex. .
The main concern of most parents" lies in the fact that they believe that sex education, when administered at such a young age, shatters their innocence or may give children ideas to explore. A survey conducted by Family Relations found that most parents fear that talking about sexual behavior, practicing decision making skills, or teach about AIDS or birth control will give children the license to explore sex. (Greasler & Dannison 185). Parents do not seem to realize that the presence of sex is everywhere: be it the media, billboards, movies, magazines, or the Internet. According to the article in Family Relations, "most parents feel that one conversation about sexuality is sufficient during a child's development." It makes more sense to allow children to be properly informed of the choices that children have rather than allowing the media or their peers to educate them. Children are inquisitive, particularly during the preadolescent stages. True, educating a child about the concerns of sex may give the child ideas, but it is crucial that a child be aware of the affects of sex and the role it plays. Ignorance is not bliss. Parents need to realize that they play a definite role in molding a child's perception on sex. If a parent chooses to shelter his or her child from sex education then the consequences of this may be detrimental.