Sixty-seven percent of all births to teenagers in 1989 occurred out of wedlock, compared with only thirty percent in 1970 (Singer 78). In a survey given to three hundred and forty eighth graders by the North American Primary Care Research Groups, it was determined that out of those students, one hundred and eleven had experienced vaginal intercourse (Rose 1619). .
Most educators prefer being open with their students, but constantly find themselves shutting their mouths in fear of getting in trouble with school officials. In California, there aren't any state guidelines on sex education in schools. Instead, there are a few educational codes that must be followed, and the rest is up to the schools and the school districts (Official California NP). According to the educational code, section 51550, students are not required to participate in any class that is discussing the reproductive organs or process; in section 51554, teachers are allowed to discuss AIDS prevention, but with anything else, notification must be sent home and reviewed by the parent or guardian of the student (Official California). At Valley View High School in Moreno Valley, California, the Science Department Chairman and Health teacher, Mr. Phillips, explained that teachers were not allowed to talk about sex education in the classroom or anything dealing with it unless if they send a note home to the parent (Phillips NP). This includes discussion on sexually transmitted diseases (with the exception of AIDS and HIV) and abortion. How can students have an open conversation with their teacher in the classroom without having to worry about the teacher saying too much to the students? Apparently, it's easier to say nothing and risk teenage pregnancy and infectious diseases, than to maybe save a life and risk a job.
Alice, a fourteen year old, claims that these problems with pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are the fault of adults.