The classes I took taught sex education, AIDS awareness, and STD knowledge all together. The classes made me more aware of different STD's and the AIDS virus. .
Since I was in the 5th grade, I have lived with my father only, my mother lives in Alaska. My dad did not have any idea how to explain to me, a girl, about certain things that were going to happen to my body soon. I think it was hard and uncomfortable for my dad to even try and explain puberty to me. My Aunt Laurie explained me a little about how my body was going to change. Yes my aunt gave me little insight into puberty, but my health class in 6th grade really explained to me why and when certain things were going happen. .
My health class in 8th grade explained how women have children, the characteristics of depression and mainly the class was about how humans act. My teacher taught about how people deal with bad situations in their lives. The class was not really about sex education or AIDS. .
Then when I started high school, I had health my freshman year. This class was a lot different then all of my other previous health classes. In the beginning we were taught how drugs and alcohol can change our lives. I remember seeing a video about a young teenage boy in high school, who let alcohol take over his life and he had to go through treatment. My class also learned about the different ways a girl can protect her self from having an unwanted pregnancy. At the end of the trimester, my teacher informed us about the many ways people can contract HIV which becomes AIDS. I always knew that you couldn't get AIDS by touching someone with the virus. This part of the class really explained how AIDS works and destroys the body's immune system. .
Finally, my senior year I had my last year of health. This class really focused on sex, AIDS, STDs and pregnancy. For two whole weeks, my teacher focused on all of the different ways a girl can protect her self from getting pregnant.